More detailed instructions will be coming shortly. The simple directions are to enter an equation for U(x) in the text field provided at the top of the applet in just the same way you would enter a function into a graphing calculator. The allowed operators are + (addition), - (subtraction and negative), * (multiplication), / (division), and ^ (power). Parenteses may be used to group terms. Several functions are also available, but a function must group it's argument in parentheses. Allowed functions are sin(), cos(), tan(), sqrt(), exp(), ln(), and abs(). The program will also understand and correctly interpret the constants "pi" and "e". "x" is treated as the independent variable. If you click anywhere in the plot of potential versus x, the energy corresponding to the y-position of the mouse is turned into a phase plot. If you hold the mouse button down and move the cursor around the plot of U(x) vs. x, the phase plot will dynamically change to reflect a total E equal to the position of the mouse. The program right now is very easy to break. It doesn't check equation just assumes you'll be nice and give it the proper input. I know this is bad, but I didn't have time to make it unbreakable. So if it fails to work, check to make sure you didn't enter an equation like "4 + " or "sin x" (instead of the correct "sin(x)") or "4x" (instead of the correct "4*x").