University of California San Diego, Department of Physics
Winter 2009 Physics 1C Webpage

Lecture Notes

1.1 Introduction, Oscillations

1.2 Waves

1.3 Sound

2.1 Standing Waves

2.2 Doppler Effect, Beats

2.3 Electromagnetic Waves

3.1 Reflection and Refraction

4.1 Dispersion, Total Internal Reflection

4.2 Mirrors

4.3 Lenses

5.1 Simple Optical Systems

5.2 Optical Instruments

6.1 Polarization

6.2 Interference

6.3 Diffraction

7.1 Quantum Physics. Particle Nature of Light

8.1 Properties of Photons

8.2 Wave Properties of Matter

8.3 Atomic Physics 1.

9.1 Atomic Physics 2

9.2 Applications of Quantum Mechanics

10.1 Nuclear Physics

10.2 Applications of Nuclear Physics

10.3 Nuclear Energy